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Local travel plans for the next six Tuesday's up to Christmas Eve - the 24th December'19. Christmas cleaning products and it will not be too late for Christmas gifts.

Part 3 - The final leg of our end of winter clean n store. We will be protecting again and finally packing away those winter warmers that you have selected to go another year.

Window Cleaning - not the most enjoyable job to do, but this DIY way is quick, simple and with no chemicals - not one

Part 2 is all about washing those good woolen jumpers, blankets and your other favorite winter warmers. By hand or machine, what products to use, how to use them, condition and start protecting.

With winter over it is time to start getting those favorite woolens ready to pack away by starting with de-pilling and brushing coats etc.... preparing them for part 2

Need a top up on eucalyptus oil and some cleaning products and your traveling through Tumut. Let me know in advance.

One way of using our Squish product to clean a favorite Aussie iconic cooking item.

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